What is P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N

What do you perceive as PERFECTION? 

Does perfection exist? Is there even such thing? 

Some of you might answer yes, others might answer no.

To be honest, I don’t think either of us know what perfection means, what it is to be perfect or do things perfectly; even though all of us strive to be perfect human beings. We strive to be perfect parents. We strive to be perfect wives, husbands, children. We strive to be perfect in our professional lives, at work, at school or in our personal capacity. 

Bottomline is: We strive to be better than we were yesterday. (Or so I would hope).

Are we even human if we don’t chase after perfection?

And again, the question comes: What is P E R F E C T I O N?

Is it the way you arrange your shoes? Colour by colour? 

Photo by ManSan on Pexels.com

Is it the way you fold your towels after a long day of doing washing? Rolling it or folding it in nice squares, all the same size.

Or is it the way you make your first cup of coffee in the morning?

I guess what I’m trying to say is what is perfect in your eyes might not be perfect in my eyes. 

We all have our own perception of what PERFECTION is. 

When you purchase a new car, you think to yourself: this car is perfect!

When you purchase a pair of shoes that’s not only just pretty or stylish, but also comfortable, you think to yourself: these shoes are perfect!

When I gave birth to both my girls, and I laid my eyes on them the very first time, I thought to myself: She’s perfect, and her name fits perfectly.

Let me share some of my thoughts on a PERFECT day:

Waking in the morning, knowing we are healthy and we are spared another day. 

Getting ready for school and work, without a child screaming and shouting because their sibling is “looking at them”. 

When kids get home from school and they know what is expected of them, i.e. chores and homework, without having to beg them or remind them what they need to do.

Preparing dinner and having to sit down and enjoy the meal with my loved ones at exactly 6pm.

And then, having kids in bed by 8pm.

Obviously, there are so many other things that normally happen in between all that, house chores, washing, emails, grocery shopping, etc. The list goes on and on.

When things happen according to what I had planned, then I literally “label” it as PERFECT.

I am sure you do too. 

Yet, we don’t know what PERFECTION is. 

Is it the way the rainbow stretches out over a certain part of the city after it rains?

Is it the way the rays of the sun shines through the clouds on a cloudy day?

Is it the way the sky lights up at sunrise or sunset?

Is it the way the waves of the ocean crashes against the rocks?

Is it the way the flowers bloom in spring after heavy rain?

Is it the way ants walk together in a line, gathering food for the winter months?

Or is it perhaps the sound of rain after a long, hot summer’s day?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you’ll know that perfection sure does exist; and by that we can conclude that our Maker is P E R F E C T. He is PERFECTION, for He created all that.

He created you, and you are perfectly created in His image. 

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com

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